Things you should know


*Supports: (Mr. Longoria (Exchange Student Coordinator), Ms. Lee Greco (Guidance Counselor), Ms. Laura Theis (Assistant Principal), Jenn Pond (Ambassadors Club Advisors)

*Laptop necessary for all students

*Calculator (TI-84 Plus)

*Diploma option

          Must bring an official transcript of the last three years of home school

          Course requirements (US Gov., etc.)

MCAS and administration schedule, (Math, ELA, Bio) 

Have taken Bio?  Yes/No?  (it is recommended that a student wishing to earn a diploma and takes the Bio MCAS, that that student take a biology class or has taken a biology class in high school)

*Fees other than tuition (sports, class dues) . All exchange students are required to pay fees and dues as any other Hopkinton High School student does.  (First semester      only exchange student may not need to pay Class dues.)  

     Students wishing to participate in Class activities must pay Class dues.  Typically, Class dues are between $40-$50 USD.  

*Sports try-out schedule for Fall sports

            Soccer, Volleyball, Field Hockey, Golf, Cheer, Track, Football

     Each sport requires an up-to-date physical and payment of a sports fee.  Each sports fee is typically $200.  

     Both, Sports fees and Class dues are not included in tuition.

*An updated (one year) physical is required to participate in sports.  It is recommended that physicals be conducted just prior to arrival as so students will have an updated         physical that lasts for the entire school year.


*Mandatory Language testing Date to be determined/Timelines (suggested arrival, school start date, etc.)


*School/Orientation schedule Date to be determined